The Four German Cases Dative accusative Nominative Genitive in PDF


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Nominativ | Akkusativ | Dativ | Genitiv
English also has cases, but they are only apparent with pronouns, not
with nouns, as in German. When “he” changes to “him” in English, that’s
exactly the same thing that happens when der changes to den in German
(and er changes to ihn). This allows German to have more flexibility in word
order, as in the examples below, in which the nominative (subject) case
is red:
Der Hund beißt den Mann. The dog bites the man.
Den Mann beißt der Hund. The dog bites the man.
Beißt der Hund den Mann? Is the dog biting the man?
Beißt den Mann der Hund? Is the dog biting the man?


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